With school funds cut for field trips, the Hilltown community is enriching students' understanding of history and their own heritage by bringing antique objects in a suitcase to their classroom.
Administrators want to increase time for teachers to analyze data from their classrooms and create alternative education classrooms during the day and evenings.
A Berne teenager accused of choking his girlfriend as his mother was driving is charged with a reduced offense of criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, in addition to two other misdemeanors.
The town's database doesn't correspond to locations in the records room, as it is intended, Town Clerk Kimberly Swain said during questions from the town's planning board secretary during the Dec. 10 board meeting.
Berne's receptionist and all-around resource spent her last town board meeting in characteristic fashion: writing notes in her yellow legal pad and correcting the town board in its process.
If an elderly Knox farmer can't sell enough Christmas trees to meet the $10,000 mark for a tax reduction, she could lose her farm. The law should be changed to let aging farmers keep working their land.