CAMBRIDGE — Earl H. Green, a religious man and Korean War veteran who worked as a butcher, died on Saturday, Feb. 15, 2014, at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington, Vt. after a brief illness. He was 80.
The Capital Region felt the brunt of a large winter storm on Thursday and Friday that stirred the pity of the nation as many, sometimes dozens of inches of snow covered the already buried ground. Children and their parents donned ice skates and brought sleds to the Berne Town Park on Saturday, Feb. 15, where they played and more flakes fell throughout the morning. Just a few miles away, South Berne had been given 27 inches of snow from the storm by Friday, according to the National Weather Service in Albany.
Monday, Feb. 3, was my Zoey day for the week. I had to go to the bank so I bundled up Zoey and we took the news to Altamont and then drove to KeyBank in Voorheesville.
I introduced Zoey to all the staff at the bank and all agreed with me that she’s a beautiful baby.
KNOX — A week after Ken Fortuin was charged with setting his own house on fire, police and friends alike are focusing on the fact that he is alive. He is in Albany County’s jail, with bail set at $150,000.
Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple said he had worried “it would be suicide by cop or he’d take his own life.”
Three councilmen met quickly to accept a plan to have federal and state funds cover all the costs of a stream restoration project along Route 143 in Westerlo.
About 30 people at the February town board meeting spoke in support of Hitmans Towing, a business that has been cited for operating a business in a residential district. Several speakers wanted the board to change the zoning ordinance to accommodate the business.
We appreciate all Ken Fortuin has done over the years as a friend and a top-notch builder, to help us and so many other people in the Hilltowns realize dreams for our homes and other projects.