KNOX Travis Stevens watched from the gallery one among a half-dozen spectators at 8 a.m. on New Year’s Day as Knox officials took their oaths of office. Stevens, a Republican who won a seat in the county legislature, stepped down as Knox councilman, leaving an empty seat at the dais.
KNOX The Albany County Sheriff’s Office is investigating an indoor marijuana grow operation in the Hilltowns, the second one discovered in as many weeks.
County proposes cutting all funding for Soil and Water Conservation
ALBANY COUNTY After Shirley Morey’s Berne home flooded from Tropical Storm Irene, she called several government agencies for help and was frustrated by the lack of response.
BERNE In this rural Hilltown where Democrats outnumber Republicans by nearly 3 to 1, Republican Bonnie Conklin, making her first run for office, got the most votes in a four-way race for two town board seats.
BERNE In the process of expanding the high school gym, workers discovered a void under the floor that is now being filled, using a process called mudjacking.
BERNE Governor Andrew Cuomo has accepted the request from Berne-Knox-Westerlo to extend the deadline for paying school taxes by 21 days, according to the school district.