Thompsons Lake, Aug. 29, 2013
I always enjoy time with my family and today I am reminiscing about the last week. On Saturday, August 17, my granddaughter, Kassi Neal, spent the afternoon with me. We prepared a lunch together and had a very pleasant visit.
On Sunday, my grandson, Brandon Clark, picked up his children, Samson and Nichole, for the week. They went on a picnic at the Duanesburg School with Jennifer Smith and her son, Iain. The children enjoyed playing on the awesome playground.
On Monday, Jenn Smith prepared a chicken dinner and had all of us along with Marcia Pangburn with her daughter, Kyra. We enjoyed the meal and the company.
Tuesday came and Brandon had a big surprise for his children. He took them to Williamstown, Mass. to the Clark Institute. They also visited a Chinese pagoda and then on to Grafton State Park and swimming in the lake.
Wednesday evening was a Hughes family affair. Jennifer Smith’s grandparents sponsor a night at Hoffman’s Playland for their family. The children were delighted with all the rides. Iain and Nichole rode everything but were too short for the bumper cars.
Samson got a taste of the bumper cars and was hooked. He kept getting in line to ride them again and again.
I got to meet Bob and Connie Hughes and they’re great.
Brandon and Samson put up their tent in Brandon’s mom’s yard but it rained Thursday night and they camped out at Jenn Smith’s. Along with Brandon and Samson were Kyra Swan, Mike Adams and his son, Noah.
The skies cleared on Friday and they camped out after hiking at the Bennett Hill Preserve.
On Saturday they swam in Thompson’s Lake, walked the Indian Ladder Trail and then we all went to the Summerfest in Berne and enjoyed the fireworks.
Sunday was a day to rest and then Nichole and Samson went home to their mother.
Time spent with family, especially children, is priceless!
Thank you
The congregation of the Thompson’s Lake Reformed church thanks Moe Safford for leading us in worship Sunday morning through his gift of music. Moe played his guitar and sang in the absence of Sheila Stempel who had fallen and fractured her hip.
Next Sunday is special. Worship will be at the Overlook at Thacher Park at the regular time, 9 a.m., bring a comfortable chair and an umbrella, if it’s hot. Don’t miss it. Invite your friends.