
HILLTOWNS — Three of five Berne-Knox-Westerlo board members voted to look into budget cuts so as not to increase the tax levy on local property owners and to offset the use of reserve funds as they develop next year’s budget.

KNOX Rumors that the Father Peter Young Housing, Industries, and Treatment center in Knox has been sold are untrue, according to center officials.

BERNE The Reverend Wendy Cook will be installed at a ceremony this Sunday afternoon, as she answers the call to serve as pastor at the Helderberg Evangelical Lutheran Church.

“I love it here. I just love it here. I’ve been totally embraced by the people here,” Cook said.

WESTERLO — The Hannacroix Rural Cemetery, like many historic country graveyards, is strapped for cash.


BERNE — Carson Dorward carefully, oh, so carefully, cradled a dried gourd covered with an old blue fishing net laced with African seashells. He gently shook the hollow gourd, and the rhythmic sound resonated across his Berne classroom.


KNOX — Knox history came to life last weekend as descendents of those who had built up the hamlet gathered from far and wide to celebrate the 100th birthday of Emma Daisy Bunzey Stevens.

KNOX — A 1990 Chevrolet pickup truck crashed in Knox early Wednesday morning. The driver was killed but so badly burned, he could not be identified, according to Albany County Sheriff Craig D. Apple.

Sometimes seeds that are planted take a long time to grow.

A Berne native, Michele Von Haugg, has made it her mission to plant trees on the other side of the world — in Tanzania. These are blackwood trees, known as mpingo in Swahili. The mpingo grows slowly, taking three decades to reach maturity.

BERNE — Surviving with a bare-bones contingency budget after two years of defeats at the polls, Berne-Knox-Westerlo is looking at sharing services with other districts as a way to keep taxes in check while maintaining programs.

KNOX — Travis Stevens watched from the gallery — one among a half-dozen spectators— at 8 a.m. on New Year’s Day as Knox officials took their oaths of office. Stevens, a Republican who won a seat in the county legislature, stepped down as Knox councilman, leaving an empty seat at the dais.


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