
To the Editor: 

To the Editor:

The Hilltowns Community Resource Center would like to give a big thanks for the many wonderful contributions made to our food pantry the past few weeks.

Resident says land use not subject to public vote; attorney affirms.

BERNE — Instead of “problems,” Sandra Kisselback prefers the word “challenges.” She works at the Stempel Saw Mill, her family’s enterprise that has endured despite heavy snow that collapsed a roof, a broken motor too costly to repair, and a stubborn recession that has cut back on construction.

KNOX — While the town undergoes a review of its comprehensive plan, the planning board is looking over maps for a business district in the hamlet.

KNOX — Some farmers in Albany County are concerned because their fire-district taxes are higher than other taxes since local fire districts don’t offer agricultural exemptions.

RENSSEALERVILLE — A day after a large rally at the state capitol against New York’s new gun-control legislation, Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple sympathized with Hilltown residents eager to repeal it.

HILLTOWNS — While Westerlo last month demanded the repeal of the state’s gun-control law with a resolution that won applause and handshakes from citizens, town boards in Knox and Berne this week took more mild positions focused on public input.


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