
Video shows the father of a BKW student admonishing a child for bullying his son.

On May 18 and 19, The Schoharie Valley Garden Club and the Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild will present a joint Flower and Quilt Show, “Welcome Spring with Petals, Threads, and Leaves,” at the Schoharie Library.

The Berne-Knox-Westerlo School Board approved having the county sheriff’s office install devices to communicate with police as well as hire a school resource officer from the sheriff’s office at $65,000 annually.

Courtney Sherwin

The Berne-Knox-Westerlo School Board voted to have an attorney review the board of education handbook, which states that the board president must act as the voice of the board, after another board member contacted the press.

A $32,000 grant will fund efforts to stop invasive species at the Huyck Preserve in Rensselaerville.

A father from the Berne-Knox-Westerlo School District has said that accusations that he shook a child are false, and said that his own child has been subjected to bullying for five years.

Although the town of Rensselaerville has just 1,800 residents, residents checked out over 15,000 items from its library last year.

Two property owners want restrictions in old contracts removed.

The Helderberg Seniors had a pleasant surprise for Tuesday’s luncheon last week.

Hello everyone from the Hilltown Seniors!

I want to touch base with everyone to remind all of our next meeting on May 12th, at the Senior Community Center in Berne.


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