
After town board members expressed concerns about insurance and other issues in posting banners to honor veterans, someone representing the town committee working on the project wrote letters critical of the town board.

After years of pushing to create a business district at the intersection of routes 156 and 157, the supervisor changed course to propose a multi-use district instead, which the Knox Town Board backed, 3 to 2.

For their "senior prank," students at Berne-Knox-Westerlo line up to gather donations on June 7 for their classmate, who has been afflicted with cancer.

June is a busy month. We celebrate Flag Day; Father’s Day; graducations; and the first locally grown rhubarb, lettuce, spinach, and radishes — to name a few.

As some Berne-Knox-Westerlo parents use a Facebook group to discuss bullying in the school, Superintendent Timothy Mundell announced that he would be working with community members to review the district’s code of conduct and other disciplinary measures.

The Berne-Knox-Westerlo School Board voted, 4 to 1, at its Monday meeting to retain the current district superintendent until he retires as long as he continues to have satisfactory reviews.

On Memorial Day, the Hilltown parade in Berne marched to the theme of “Never Forget, Ever Honor.”

RENSSELAERVILLE — Rensselaerville will hold its annual town-wide picnic on Sunday, June 10, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the Bayard Elsbree Park on Route 145 in Preston Hollow to celebrate the unity of its five hamlets: Cooksburg, Medusa, Preston Hollow, Potter Hollow, and Rensselaerville.

The Lake Myosotis dam has been suspected of leaking since winter, and will be inspected by a closed-circuit television feed and a diver.

On Tuesday, May 22, the Old Men of the Mountain met on Main Street in the Village of Schoharie.


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