
To the Editor:

The closing of the Highlands has evoked bittersweet memories. Many people passed through its doors. Some we know, many we didn’t.

During the eight years the restaurant was open, it became a meeting place for many. If you didn’t know each other, in time you did.

To the Editor:

Thompson’s Lake State Park in East Berne will host its annual Ice Fishing Contest on Feb. 1.

Registration begins at 5:30 a.m. Fishing and fish measurement will be held from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration fee is $10 per person. 

Another week is zooming by. The Polar Vortex weather is supposed to return this week; I guess before we know it, spring will be here. 

Berne-Knox-Westerlo hasn't let a controversial basketball coach firing slow down its success.

These local students were named to the dean’s list or received a similar honor from their college or university for the spring 2013 semester:

Happy 2014 to all seniors. You missed a great Hilltowns Seniors meeting on Saturday, Jan. 11.  We had fabulous food and Bingo.

To the Editor:

We would like to recap the events that led up to the dismissal and removal of Mr. Andy Wright as varsity basketball coach and /or anonymous parent letters to the Berne-Knox-Westerlo Board, whatever the BKW School Board and Interim Superintendent Mr. [Lonnie] Palmer wish to call it.

Christmas is over. On Thursday, Dec. 26 I wrote my news and took it to Altamont. It had to be in early as the holiday falls in the middle of the week.

I picked up some Chinese food and ate with my daughter, Marcia Pangburn and Kyra and we watched family DVDs. 

Our calendars will have turned to 2014 by the time you read this.  This means the 2013 holiday activities at the Knox Nursery School are but a memory.


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