
Going undefeated is hard to do, and the BKW Little League softball team did it.

Introducing "The church ladies of Knox": business-minded, talented, and dedicated women. Visualizing the enormous impact they had on their community is inspirational.

To the Editor:

Bargains, bargains, bargains. The Town-Wide Garage Sale in Knox will be on Saturday, Aug. 9.

Maps will be available the day of the sale at the Knox firehouse.

Applications for the town-wide sale are still available. Please call me at 872-9400  or Maryann at 872- 0385.

To the Editor:

Join us for some good music by local musicians on Wednesday evenings at the Berne Town Park.  The music starts at 6:30 p.m. and runs until dusk.

Slim Pick'ins will perform on July 30.  On Aug. 6, Just a Bunch of Guys will be on stage. Chuck Wagon will be the attraction on Aug. 13.

To the Editor:

I would like to remind town of Knox residents to complete the public survey that was mailed to each household in June.  The response collection period has been extended to July 31. 

Berne-Knox-Westerlo softball player Kaitlyn Curvin was recently named a Western Athletic Conference First Team All-Star, the only one from her school.

To the Editor:

How about exploring, in a very tentative way, consolidation of services for the state, county, town, and even school districts by having the state and county highway departments contracting to the town to have the highway mowing done by the town?

When Paolo Audino is at school in Florida, he and his father, Jim, talk before and after every game of Berne-Knox-Westerlo modified baseball.

Monday, May 5, was my Zoey day. She is still cutting two top front teeth. We learned a new gesture, today. I pointed at Reba and said; “dog,” then Zoey pointed the exact same way. Babies do learn fast. 

Danielle packed some little blueberry muffins and Zoey loved eating them after lunch. 


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