
BERNE – The Berne-Knox-Westerlo Elementary School will hold an orientation on March 26 at 6 p.m. for the parents of incoming kindergartners.

If you have a child that turns 5 on or before Dec. 1, 2014 and have not yet received a packet in the mail, please call Mrs. Farnam at 872-2030. 

A deal has been made between the Schoburg varsity football team and Berne-Knox-Westerlo to allow BKW students to join Schoburg for 2014.

 HILLTOWNS — The BKW Little League president says he was thrilled as a kid at Christmas to have the ValleyCats reclaim a field ravaged by tropical storms in 2011. He’s looking for volunteers to help.

If your child lives in the Berne-Knox-Westerlo School District and will be attending a non-public school for the 2014-15 school year and you wish to apply for school district transportation, you must submit a written request to the superintendent’s office by April 1.

On Monday, March 3, baby Zoey arrived at 7:30 a.m. for our day together. She loves my dogs. They are four year-old, Ginger and 15-month-old Reba. She could watch them all day. If I let them out to romp in the snow and sit by the window with Her, she is in her glory and could sit and watch for hours.

To the Editor:

With temperatures above freezing for the first time in months, it's almost time for spring-cleaning.

Keep in mind that one man's trash is another man's treasure — something that is garbage to  your family could be exactly what another family needs.  

Monday, Feb. 17, was my Zoey day for the week. Today, Zoey turned eight months old. She still has no teeth but they’re coming. My mother always said it’s better to cut teeth later. She thought they would be healthier and stronger. We’ll see.

To the Editor:

Saturday afternoon, family, friends, and supporters came together as not just a community but as a family, if only for the afternoon, for Ken Fortuin.  While the fund-raiser's time was scheduled from 1 to 5 p.m., people began arriving before one and continued to arrive right up until almost five. 

“Old Man Winter” certainly had a frosty grip on us during January and February. Fortunately, the freezing temperatures, frequent snows, and a “bug named Stomach” did not interrupt the activity at the Knox Nursery School.

To the Editor:

The Berne-Knox-Westerlo Little League will be holding its second annual fund-raiser party on Feb. 22 at the Maple Inn in East Berne from 8 a.m. to noon.


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