
More than a decade since the pool closed at Thacher Park, the Knox Youth Council will offer free swimming lessons to children in the Hilltowns this summer.

It is almost June, and it doesn’t feel like it; this May 28 it felt more like maybe early April. Regardless, it was a Tuesday, and the Old Men of the Mountain knew what day it was and met at Mrs.

BERNE — The Albany County Department of Public Works announced on Friday evening that, effective immediately, cars and trucks with weights exceeding 10 tons are prohibited from traveling on County Route 6 (Ravine Road) over the White Birch Pond Outlet, which is 200 feet south of Partridge Run Road in the Town of Berne.

Acting Supervisor William Bichteman said he thought it was inappropriate to include Westerlo’s town seal in campaigning materials because it could be misleading. Trademarking town seals is not allowed and so the use of it by other entities is allowed.

“Government is the public’s business and ... the public, individually and collectively and represented by a free press, should have access to the records of government …”

Joseph Sullivan was a perennial candidate in Albany politics. But his refuge was in the Hilltowns and Thacher Park.

On Monday afternoon following the Berne parade, Knox held it's own Memorial Day parade.

On Monday morning, the theme for the Berne Memorial Day parade was "Honor and Sacrifice" that traveled down Helderberg Trail to the high school.

Clyde Filkins’s niece once commented that she would never know what happened when her uncle was captured at the Battle of the Bulge during World War II. A diary discovered over a decade later paints a harrowing picture of what happened.

BERNE — Patients in the Hilltowns are wondering where they will go for medical care after learning that a decades-old doctor’s office, now known as CapitalCare Family Medicine Berne, will be closing.


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