
The town of Berne is being audited by the New York State Comptroller after Councilman Joel Willsey, the board’s lone Democrat, complained about the formulation of the town’s 2020 budget.

Only 55 percent of Hilltown households have self-responded to the 2020 census with less than a month before the United States Census Bureau stops collecting data. 

Dianne Sefcik, Westerlo

Kevin Crosier, East Berne

Joel Willsey, Berne Town Board

A recording of an executive session held by the Berne Town Board was made public after Councilman Joel Willsey, a Democrat who claims he was harassed by the GOP-backed board members in the April 29 session, made a motion for its release. 

The Berne Town Board voted at its Aug. 26 meeting to not take part in a regional shared-services agreement that would have formalized the already common practice of using other towns’ highway-department resources. The surprising vote appeared to be an attempt to spite the town board’s lone Democrat. 

Kathleen E. Moore, Berne

Sometimes the heading “The Old Men of the Mountain” is a misnomer because some of the OMOTM are not that old, by the group’s standards anyway.

Laurie Searl, Berne


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