
Highway Superintendent Randy Bashwinger

The Berne Town Board voted, 3 to 2, to approve a new labor union contract that guarantees a 10-percent raise by 2022 for the town’s highway workers, in addition to new longevity pay bonuses. 

The Rensselaerville Presbyterian Church will be featured in the New York Land Conservancy’s Sacred Sites Open House program this year, held virtually on Aug. 27 between 1 and 2 p.m.

HILLTOWNS — Joseph Salzer Jr., who built the home his family lived in and made his mark on the Capital District and beyond as a carpenter, died on Monday, Aug. 24, 2020 at the Springside Nursing and Rehab Center in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He was 82.

A mile of mostly shaded trails was graded and mulched with wood chips, which is appreciated by the school’s track team that trains on the trails.

Berne Supervisor Sean Lyons announced in a letter posted on the town’s website that, following receipt of the second-quarter sales tax revenues, the town will be able to cover coronavirus losses without sacrificing personnel or town services. Lyons told The Enterprise this week that “the budget cuts I am proposing will give the town another good starting point in 2021.” 

The Westerlo Town Board has extended the town’s solar and wind energy moratorium for one year, dashing the hopes of a solar developer that was planning to build on a Westerlo property.

Jay Baumstein, Retired Hilltown resident, St. Augustine, Florida

Katherine Dieckmann, Westerlo


Barbara Crosier, East Berne

Dennis Houlihan, East Berne


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