An outstandingly clear and questing mind
To the Editor:
Anita Marrone was one of the absolute rocks of community participation in town government.
Year after year, no one was more diligent in attending town board meetings, in getting the town board members to make clear what they were doing or attempting to do, and in stating and explaining why they should consider something else when that would take better care of Westerlo.
Her powerful insight and insistence on working from facts, not opinion or slogans, and her complete unwillingness to be shouted down, cajoled, led off topic or any other tactic to discourage or silence her came from an outstandingly clear and questing mind.
By sheer personal force and energy, Anita made Westerlo a better place.
Our best way to honor her memory and her contributions is for all citizens to follow her sterling example and attend meetings, think clearly about what they’re hearing from officials, and help those officials to do the best for Westerlo by speaking up and offering clear, constructive comments and suggestions.
Leonard Laub
Editor’s note: Leonard Laub and Bonnie Laub are married to each other.