Melissa Hale-Spencer

By Zach Simeone

GUILDERLAND — Even as it faces state delays in aid payments this month, the school district here is gearing up to take a long-range look at budgeting.

We should listen to live music and unlock the shackles that limit us

Will shape of GHS day change?

GUILDERLAND — Principal Brian McCann made a forceful case Tuesday night for changing the shape of the school day, restructuring the high school’s block schedule.

GUILDERLAND — The boy bends to his task with care. He is coloring a paper Christmas tree ornament — an angel.

By Zach Simeone

BERNE — Kevin Callagy, 52, is Berne-Knox-Westerlo’s new business official, and is excited about the job.

By Jordan J. Michael

VOORHEESVILLE –– Last Thursday’s opening meet for the Blackbird wrestling team was full of forfeits and pin falls. Voorheesville ended up on the losing side, 54-30.

Enterprise photography contest winners link sentiment to scenes

ALTAMONT — The recent Enterprise photography contest shows that, even in the computer age, people still value printed pictures.

Blind faith won’t preserve our heritage or our environment

Illustration by Forest Byrd

If the devil is in the details, as the saying goes, the divine may be in the long view.

Pastor Green, left with Lyon’s legacy,
leads Westerlo’s Baptist Church in his own way

By Zach Simeone


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