
Knox Democrat Russell Pokorny has a lead of 27 votes in the race for supervisor over his Republican-backed opponent, Kregg Grippo, in the unofficial election results, which don’t count absentee ballots. Those same results suggest that the Republican incumbents up for election are staying put.

Unofficial election results show that the Berne Republicans swept away their Democratic competition in all contested races, and the absentee ballots are likely to boost their advantage, thanks to Highway Superintendent and county GOP chairman Randy Bashwinger’s solicitation of many of those ballots.

RENSSELAERVILLE — As it was in 2019, so it is again in 2021: Rensselaerville’s election was comp

The preliminary budget, crafted by Berne’s Republican supervisor, Sean Lyons, promises an 88-percent property tax decrease while increasing spending as Lyons spends down the town’s reserve funds and uses pandemic relief money — which Democrats say is a dangerous move, if not illegal. 

KNOX — Gary Kleppel is a sheep farmer who likes coyotes.

He is perpetually aware of the ecological balance of which he is a part.

Every morning, Kleppel and his border collie bring their 30 sheep from barn to pasture and then, every night, return them to the barn.

Ken Guarino, Berne

Mary Ann Ronconi, Berne

Lawrence Zimmerman, Berne

Sarah "Sid" Solomon

Rensselaerville resident Sarah Solomon’s Delaware Turnpike general store was approved last month for a special-use permit, and now Solomon says she will spend the next six months or so “securing licenses, acquiring equipment and appliances, building out the space, and ordering inventory.”

Sue VonHaugg, Knox


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