
Before the Berne Town Board appointed resident Donna Ferraino as the town’s dog-control officer, Councilman Leo Vane, in addition to calling the non-partisan office a “political position,” indicated that former DCO Jodi Jansen had resigned over “political issues,” which contradicts what Supervisor Sean Lyons told The Enterprise about Jansen’s resignation earlier this year.

Maryellen Gillis, President, Helderberg Family and Community Organization

Helen M. Lounsbury Galicki, Berne

Bingo is back! Come and enjoy a nutritious lunch followed by friendly games of bingo, with chances of winning prizes. Bingo will be played on Fridays, Dec. 3 and Dec. 10.

Municipalities have until Dec. 31 to request that the New York State Cannabis Control Board prohibit marijuana dispensaries and consumption sites from establishing themselves within each municipality’s respective borders. So far, only two of the four Hilltowns have initiated public conversation on the matter.

The Berne Town Hall.

Berne Planning Board member Lawrence Zimmerman resigned in November over frustrations that the town is not following the guidance of its own comprehensive plan. Former town board member Dawn Jordan says that ideology and partisanship got in the way, along with some more prosaic — and even healthy — obstacles.

Anyone, not just seniors, can use the services of ACCESS (Albany County Center for Essential Supportive Services.

Helen M. Lounsbury Galicki, East Berne

With absentee ballots counted, Berne Republicans are still victorious, now by an even wider margin; Democrat Russell Pokorny is still the supervisor-elect in Knox; and Westerlo incumbent justice Ken Mackey has kept his seat.

The company hopes to build a 5-megawatt solar facility at 1953 Thompsons Lake Road, a 66-acre parcel.


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