
JoAnne Brady, East Berne

Frank Brady, East Berne

Ken Guarino, Berne

Republican endorsee Kregg Grippo is running for Knox supervisor against former assessor Russ Pokorny, a Democrat who has run for supervisor before but lost. Resident Brigitte McAuliffe is shooting for a spot on the town board on her own Accountability line, running against Republican-backed incumbents Karl Pritchard and Ken Saddlemire.

The Princetown Senior are sponsoring a trip to Maine next fall.

The cost is $529 for a double room and $714 for a single.

ACCESS (Albany County Center for Essential Supportive Services) is back! This service is not just for seniors but for everyone.

Catherine Annette Chauvot

Petty Officer 2nd Class Catherine Annette Chauvot, a sailor with family in Berne, joined the Navy over 12 years ago and now serves as a musician.

Westerlo Deputy Supervisor Kryzak had ordered the town’s attorney to send out a notice to Viking Solar owner Jamison Corallo to let him know that, after an extended period of noncompliance, his relationship with the town as a commercial trash hauler was to be terminated. Corallo told The Enterprise this week that he’s working on compliance and will make an appeal to the town board.

Sean S. Lyons, Supervisor Berne

JoAnne Brady, East Berne


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