
WRIGHT — Eight historic barns in the town of Wright will be open on Saturday, Aug. 20, for those participating in a self-guided driving tour sponsored by the Gallupville House Association.

“It seems like the world’s in chaos, the world’s at odds,” said Karol Harlow who organized a Day of Oneness in Berne on Sunday.

Fireworks concluded concluded Saturday's bicentennial festivities, which included beard and car contests.

Andrew Gibson, of Westerlo, pleaded guilty to reckless homicide after killing Berne resident Lisa Sperry in a drunk driving accident, but he failed to show up to his sentencing in February this year, having been out on bail.

Kenneth Guarino, Berne

Ralph, Carolyn, Marilyn, Huberta, Charles, Sharon, Donnie, Allen and families

KNOX — Voices from the past called out to the present in Knox on Sunday.

As part of the town’s bicentennial celebration, Paula Shafer Sisson wrote a play, “Anti-Rent War Voices Echoing Through the Helleberghs.”

WESTERLO — Albany Medical Center was a constant in the life of Anderson E. Smith, eldest son of Dr. George H. Smith and his wife, Jane Smith, of Slingerlands.

Due process complaints are a state-sanctioned mechanism that allows parents, guardians, and public agencies to seek changes to the placement of a child with regard to special education classes, as well as identification and evaluation of a disability.

Mary Edna Clickman Conde, Westerlo


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