Accusations without proof have no merit
To the Editor:
Every so often, The Enterprise is made aware of a reporting error and prints a correction.
I know from previous letters to the editor I’ve written that I had to submit proof to back up my statements prior to publication. I know from previous published articles, the reporter will contact those mentioned to collaborate or refute statements made.
Unfortunately, more and more we read “would not comment.”
Lately we have seen quotes, people stating all stories published about the town of Berne and its board members are lies. Not some. Not a few. But all.
The paper can only print articles from information it is given and has verified or from its own investigations. If people give no opposing input, they have no reason to voice opposition to what has been published.
I have seen no retractions, no proof that the paper publishes false stories. We get our local news primarily from our local paper; however; we do not get to hear both sides of a story.
People are free to voice their opinions; however, accusations without proof are like an unsigned letter of complaint — it has no merit.
Kenneth Guarino