
To the Editor:

April will be a busy month for the Hilltowns Seniors.

Monday, March17, was my sister, Pats birthday. Pat came to visit me for a few hours and we enjoyed lunch together. My sister only lives in Schenectady but we dont see each other as much as wed like to.

To the Editor:

Let's get real!

Having a country store in the Hilltowns is almost unrealistic. While we're speaking, so are farmers markets. If you have a substantial income, then you can buy the products and produce.

For those who missed last weekend’s celebration of all things maple, this weekend offers another opportunity. The Helderberg Kiwanis Club is raising funds with its annual pancake breakfast on Sunday at the Knox firehouse, and maple producers — Mountain Winds Farm, Malachi Farms, and Lounsbury Farms — will be open for tours.

Knox residents should fill out the surveys for an updated comprehensive plan that will shape the future of their town. Once the big picture is in place, zoning must be adopted and enforced.

EAST BERNE — A hardened farm worker in his youth and a dependable mechanic, Willard Dibble was tender with his family ties.

WEST BERNE — Gertrude Perue kept her home neat and her siblings in comfort.

She worked as a hostess at Borelli’s Restaurant in Howes Cave, in Schoharie County, and was a caregiver for many in her family throughout her life.

To the Editor:

The Hilltowns Community Resource Center is planning for the Easter holiday. We are in need of your support to help our families.

We are trying to provide an Easter dinner for our families. Donations of food for the meal or a complete meal would be a tremendous help.

To the Editor:

The Berne Volunteer Fire Company would like to thank everyone for their donations to our 2014 calendar drive. We feel very fortunate to be volunteering for you our community. Your support is greatly appreciated!


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