Melissa Hale-Spencer

RENSSELAERVILLE — Kathryn Wank, an Independence Party member, is running for a second four-year term as assessor. As well as backing from her own party, she has the Republican and Conservative lines too.

RENSSELAERVILLE — Michael Weber had worked as an assessor for Rensselaerville before and hopes to do so again.

RENSSELAERVILLE — Hébert Joseph, making his first run for public office in Rensselaerville, for assessor, said that, when he was campaigning in Medusa, a resident there told him, “You are the first black person who has ever run for office in Rensselaerville.”

RENSSELAERVILLE — Donna Kropp, who has been a town assessor for 12 years, is running for the fourth time.

She has lived in Rensselaerville most of her life and, at 65, is retired from her full-time career, often putting in extra hours in her part-time assessor’s post. She is a Republican running on the GOP line.

RENSSELAERVILLE — When Randall Bates became Rensselaerville’s highway superintendent six years ago, he had a goal that he thought might be impossible. “My goal was to have all of our roads in a state where we have a 10-year renewal plan,” he said.

RENSSELAERVILLE — In the four years she has been town clerk, Victoria Kraker says that she and the deputy clerk have organized and updated as well as consolidated records.

“We work well together,” Kraker said of herself and Kathryn Wank, the deputy clerk who is also an assessor.

On Saturday, former pastors of the Knox Reformed Church will be feted at a dinner celebrating the church’s 175th anniversary. On Sunday, they will all participate in the church’s worship service.

The town is set to receive $2.4 million for a $4 million water project that will set up a permanent connection with Rotterdam and will expand municipal water to West Old State and Fuller Station roads as well as replacing an old water tower in Fort Hunter.

A Syrian feminist is giving women a voice in peace talks. “We see the political solution is the only way to solve our tragedy, to stop the war,” she said.

WESTERLO — Kenneth Mackey Sr., who has been a town judge for eight years, says, “It’s the most exciting job I’ve ever had.”

Mackey, who is 62, has worked for three decades as a welder at Hannay Reels and has an equally long commitment to the ambulance squad, which he captains.


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