Melissa Hale-Spencer

A year ago, the workshop, a not-for-profit chartered by the state’s Board of Regents that offers kids summertime “adventures in learning,” was awarded an $8,000 grant by the Preservation League of New York State to fund a cultural landscape report.

Ten people spoke at the hearing on the Black Creek Run proposal — all of them against it. Their concerns centered on increasing water problems in an area already prone to flooding and increasing traffic in an area already suffering from delays.

“They had six findings that we addressed,” Assistant Superintendent for Business Andrew Van Alstyne told the board. “The audit committee met last week to review and pass on to the full board the corrective action plan.”

Four Level 3 chargers have joined nine Level 2 chargers among the 879 parking spots in the Quackenbush Square garage. 

“It’s seemingly a romp,” said Douglas LaGrange, the incumbent Democratic supervisor, as the results rolled in.

In Guilderland, all the elected office holders are Democrats and will continue to be.

The Purple Line joins an already established 17-mile Red Line, on Route 5, running between Albany and Schenectady, and 15-mile Blue Line, running along the Hudson River, connecting Albany, Cohoes, Menands, Troy, Waterford, and Watervliet.

Guilderland tax bills will look different for 2024, with the general fund showing a major increase, of 175 percent. But this is offset by the elimination of three separate lines on the tax bill: for the state retirement system, for election costs passed on by the county, and for the Altamont and Guilderland ambulance districts. The tax increase is actually 2.85 percent.

Both candidates were asked if they thought humans caused climate change and what more the county should do to reduce its effects; what role, if any, the county should play in keeping local watersheds pollution-free or in helping towns to maintain clean water; and what social services offered by the county are most helpful for Guilderland residents dealing with poverty, hunger, homelessness, addiction, or mental-health issues.

Click on the links to read elections profiles and candidates’ views on the issues.


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