Archive » August 2018 » News

Members of the South Westerlo Business Association met with Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy last Thursday.

Restaurants, antique shops, and yoga studios call the hamlet of South Westerlo home. While the glory days when resorts were packed with tourists are gone, a newly formed business association hopes to stay strong.

Owner Tara Camardo Attanasio hopes her formal- and bridal-wear boutique, Azalea, will be as vibrant and long-lasting as the flower it’s named for.

00:00                                         Hello, this is Melissa, Hale-Spencer, the editor of The Altamont Enterprise, seated in the book lined office of Rabbi Donald Cashman in the temple of b'Nai Shalom. And we're so delighted to be here.

The Bethlehem Central School district received $6,750 from the state for a student displaced by a natural disaster. A second local district, Greenville, received $15,000 for two such students.

GUILDERLAND — There is no specific target date yet for the opening of the dual-branded Hilton hotel in front of Crossgates Mall yet, said the hotel’s director of sales, Emily Cuda. “We just say ‘fall,’” she said.

“We’re on the cusp of months, so I don’t want to say one and it be the other,” Cuda said.

Germany’s Circular Economy Act mandates “the polluter-pays principle, the five-tier waste hierarchy, and the principle of shared public and private responsibility for waste management.”

Part of Mercy Care Lane is now owned by the town.

ALBANY COUNTY — After stunning industrial and commercial growth over the last four decades in China, the Communist country, which had taken and used much of the world’s refuse, has implemented policies to clean up its environment.

Towns both large and small are incurring thousands of dollars in costs to dispose of commingled recyclables.

The complaint criticizes the Knox Town Board over what is described as a lack of transparency before voting to send a proposed multi-use district to the town and county planning boards.

The state's Department of Environmental Conservation is urging New Yorkers to recycle carefully.

Voters in the Independence Party and the Women’s Equality Party will be the only ones weighing in on Sept. 13 on the candidates for Guilderland town judge.

GUILDERLAND — The Albany County Land Bank this week acquired the Governors Motor Inn, an abandoned property on Guilderland’s main thoroughfare, Route 20.

The land bank has taken possession of the inn, which was gutted by fire in 2010, as well as a house on the property.

An application submitted recently to the town would bring 283 apartments and 80,5000 square feet of commercial space to the wooded land near the Guilderland YMCA.
