Sean Mulkerrin

Located at 120 Park Street, work on the 1.86 acre parcel would include demolition of two existing buildings, the village post office and another on the site. 

At the end January, Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy issued an executive order halting for 90 days the agricultural use of biosolids within county limits.

In a Feb. 11 filing with the fourth appellate division of the state Supreme Court in Onondaga County, NY DEEP LLC, Unos’ owner, said it would appeal Justice Robert Antonacci’s partial judgement in favor of Crossgates.

In 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law a bill allowing local taxing jurisdictions to offer a property tax break to volunteer firefighters and volunteer ambulance workers.

Starting Jan. 1, rules went into effect that significantly expand New York state’s jurisdiction over freshwater wetlands with the aim of protecting a million additional acres of wetland habitats.

NEW SCOTLAND — The tributes came pouring in following the announcement: She was the best of us; she literally changed the world; she was compassionate and dignified, an amazing and unforgettable human being who left this world a better place. 

Of local note was McCoy’s announcement that Albany County was in “the final stages of acquiring Switzkill Farm in Berne .…”

The plan builds on New Scotland’s 2018 comprehensive plan and last year’s cataloging of natural resources to set “forth a framework of policies, programs, and recommendations that promote conservation, climate resiliency, responsible land use planning.”

“I’d like to tell the board that this has not been a very easy budget to develop,” Voorheesville’s interim business official, Lissa Jilek, told school board members this month. 

The Feb. 5 meeting had a packed agenda. 


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