Carol Carpenter, Bethlehem Grange
Mary Jo McKeon, Berne
John McCarthy, Guilderland
Kevin Flensted, Westerlo
The month of September has been very busy for our Helderberg Ambulance squad. We answered 48 calls with 30 transports to local hospitals.
John Ostrowski, Guilderland
Amy Lauterbach Pokorny, chairwoman, Farms and Artisans Tour, Helderberg Hilltowns Association
Brian Hunt, superintendent, Voorheesville schools
Sandra L. Kisselback, Berne Historical Society
Anita C. Clayton, Berne Town Clerk
Fatima Shama, Executive Director, The Fresh Air Fund
Dennis Barber, chairman, BKW Athletic Hall of Fame Committee
James M. Gaughan, Altamont Mayor 2005 to 2017
Joan McGrath, Guilderland High School
James M. Gaughan, Altamont Mayor, 2005 to 2017