Weekly Archives

VOORHEESVILLE — Four speedy kids will try to fly even higher in Buffalo.

ATV owner spots stolen Yamaha

KNOX — After a fight Saturday night, two men were arrested for possessing a stolen all-terrain vehicle. 

Dutch rip regional rivals

GUILDERLAND — “Guilderland girls don’t get tired.”

That is the Lady Dutch lacrosse team motto, according to junior Jen Madsen. And with two more wins in the past week, the Guilderland squad won’t be able to get tired.

Turning despair into hope — one bit at a time

Illustration by Forest Byrd

GUILDERLAND — The Guilderland boys’ track-and-field team finished up a solid season with some good efforts by some young athletes.

The Dutchmen finished the season 7-4 in the Suburban Council, strong enough to win the Gold Division of the league.

Lessons challenge all levels of learners

GUILDERLAND — Enrichment in math and science is for any student who is interested at Farnsworth Middle School.

GUILDERLAND — Alexandra Scott left a legacy when she died of cancer in 2004 and the children at Pine Bush Elementary School have inherited the cause.

KNOX — A couple who use wind and solar power hosted a live, updated version of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth at their Octagon Barn on Monday. 

GUILDERLAND — Their children have now scattered across the country and the Shinases are bidding goodbye to Guilderland and the restaurant they spent 34 years building.

GUILDERLAND — Some emergency calls will be routed differently now that a new 911 system has been installed at the town’s police station.


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