Weekly Archives

By Zach Simeone

VOORHEESVILLE — Residents outside the village who purchase Voorheesville water and are behind in their bills now have to pay sooner, or they face having their water service cut off.

GUILDERLAND — On a rainy afternoon, the sun broke through just long enough to watch the Guilderland girls’ lacrosse team show its dominance in Section II girls’ lacrosse.

GUILDERLAND — Another year, another trip to the finals.

GUILDERLAND — The Guilderland Babe Ruth League continued play over the past couple of weeks.

In the Preps Division, the A’s defeated the Yankees, 19-2, last Monday.

GUILDERLAND — On a rainy afternoon, the sun broke through just long enough to watch the Guilderland girls’ lacrosse team show its dominance in Section II girls’ lacrosse.

GUILDERLAND — Another year, another trip to the finals.

Liz Allen recently took a group of refugees from Burma to Albany’s Tulip Fest. “We had just learned the cyclone Nargis had hit their country. I asked if they had friends or family who were hurt,” recalled Allen.

Should town and gown formalize relationship?

GUILDERLAND — Most of the school board likes the idea of formalizing relationships with the town of Guilderland but the town supervisor warns it could turn into a mess.

New requirements for Berne planners and zoners

At BKW, victors are Sikule and O’Connor


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