New Scotland

In back-and-forth court filings over the disclosure of an investigation in player bullying allegations, Robert Baron, who claims he was fraudulently induced to resign as head coach of the Voorheesville varsity girls’ basketball team, says the investigation includes information that would help his case; the Voorheesville Central School District claims that state and federal law allow the results of the investigation to remain confidential.

Two Democrats and two Republicans square off for two seats on the New Scotland Town Board on Nov. 5.

The old railroad bridge that runs over Route 85 in Slingerlands and is now part of the Albany County Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail is due to be replaced by the summer of 2020.

New Scotland is looking at a tentative $8.2 million budget for 2020, which is down slightly from this year. 

Former Voorheesville girls’ varsity basketball coach Robert Baron’s lawsuit against the school district remains a protracted affair; the latest holdup comes because of the district’s objection to giving Baron records of an investigation into allegations of player bullying. 

112 Maple Ave. in Voorheesville.

Stewart’s Shops has announced that, for the first time in company history, it is suing a municipality because of what it claims is a “targeted effort to prevent Stewart’s” from building a new shop on property it owns at 112 Maple Ave. in the village. 

four-bay garage

A lawsuit brought against the New Scotland Zoning Board of Appeals and the town’s building inspector claims that a rejected 2018 application for a use variance was identical to a use variance approved by the zoning board just two years earlier, in 2016.

175 Voorheesville properties newly installed sewer system map

Confusion about Voorheesville’s proposed sewer project had residents seeking answers from the village board at its monthly meeting. 

The season may be young for the Voorheesville girls’ tennis team and volleyball team but both teams are working hard to prove they belong in their conference. The tennis team took a three-year hiatus, due to few players but came back this year to play under a new coach, Tav Daly.

CLARKSVILLE — On Oct. 2, Jim Schaller will speak about pioneer surveyor Verplanck Colvin, hosted by the Clarksville Historical Society at 7 p.m. at the Clarksville Community Church.


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