New Scotland

 MJR Jarus, Voorheesville

CLARKSVILLE — A quick-thinking sheriff’s deputy and no small amount of luck saved Sons Deli from a fire that occurred at about 2 a.m. on Jan. 31. 

The project is located on 44 acres of land nestled between the homes of Crow Ridge Road to the east, National Grid’s right-of-way to the west, an expanse of green to the north, and New Scotland Road to the south. 

Judy Kimes, Publicist, New Scotland Historical Association

Chris and Richard Howard, Voorheesville

“Sometimes when you present a number, it gets fixated on and it comes up meeting after meeting,” VCSD Interim business official Lissa Jilek told the school board at its January meeting. 

Voorheesville continues to deal with the fallout from incidents of racism and antisemitism at its middle school in the past year.

A school should be a place where a child can make a mistake, be corrected, take responsibility for that mistake, learn from it, and carry on with his life. The health and safety not just of individual students but of our society as a whole depends on it.

The district’s lawyer, Ryan Mullahy, was on hand at the board’s Jan. 6 meeting to talk about student discipline.

The tavern, which was built by philanthropist and village native Ed Mitzen, is now run by the Druthers Brewing Company, which operates five other restaurants in the Capital Region. 


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