The village property tax rate would increase three-quarters of 1 percent next year, from about $1.36 per $1,000 of assessed value this year to approximately $1.37 per $1,000 next year.
“We have felt some effects from the new administration down in Washington,” Albany County development chief Kevin O’Connor said during a March 4 meeting of the county’s IDA.
The district’s proposed $34.5 million spending plan includes a 6.05 percent increase in the tax levy, nearly the maximum allowed by the state, 6.4 percent.
At the end January, Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy issued an executive order halting for 90 days the agricultural use of biosolids within county limits.
“I wanted to show kids that cutting a tree down is not all bad,” said Justin Perry. “You can get something out of a forest without destroying the forest.”
In 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law a bill allowing local taxing jurisdictions to offer a property tax break to volunteer firefighters and volunteer ambulance workers.