New Scotland

Discussing the awarding of a contract for design and engineering services for the Voorheesville Quiet Zone during a February meeting of the county legislature’s public works committee, William Reinhardt asked Albany County Commissioner of Public Works Lisa Ramundo if the 18-month term of the contract meant quiet-zone construction would be completed by December 2022; Ramundo responded, “Yes.”

Community volunteers throughout the Hudson Valley are getting out their flashlights, reflective vests, and raingear in anticipation of annual breeding migrations of salamanders and frogs, which typically begin in mid-March, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced this week.

Fred the Butcher opened its second shop on Friday, March 5, in New Scotland. The Halfmoon-based butcher opened in the former home of Falvo’s Meat Market on Route 85A.

William J. Krause

DELMAR — On Sunday, Feb. 28, 2021, William J. Krause died peacefully after a long and hard-fought battle with Parkinson’s disease.

Together with his beloved wife, Carol, he raised a blended family of three sons and a daughter whom they loved and in whom they took great pride.

Roger F. Smith

CLARKSVILLE — Roger F. Smith, who owned a paint store in Delmar and who loved the Altamont Fair, died peacefully on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021, with family members around him. He was 81.

Doug LaGrange, Supervisor, Town of New Scotland

“It’s been a place of worship and it will be the same — nothing changes,” It was said of the shuttered Mountainview Evangelical Free Church. “In fact, the sign doesn’t change, only the text in the sign will change, the name will change.”

Robert Whiteman Director Voorheesville Dionysians

VOORHEESVILLE — New York Army National Guard Col. Christopher Guilmette, a Voorheesville resident, is the new commander of the 53rd Digital Liaison Detachment, headquartered at the Park Avenue Armory in Manhattan.

With spending up and revenue from elsewhere thought to be down, the Voorheesville Central School District is already anticipating having to ask voters to approve the maximum levy increase allowed by the state for next school year, a 2.72-percent hike.


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