The Voorheesville Central School District in a Dec. 18 post on its website said, “On the afternoon of December 17, 2024, our safety monitor discovered vandalism during routine bathroom checks on our MS/HS campus.”
Public comment during the Dec. 9 meeting largely centered on two issues: calls for accountability regarding board member Matthew Bergeron's post-election social media comments and renewed demands, driven in part by bullying allegations, for a school resource officer
BETHLEHEM — Route 85 between the Cherry Avenue and Blessing Road roundabouts will be resurfaced thanks to $1.1 million in federal funds disbursed by the state.
New Scotland’s senior transportation capabilities have been at half capacity since 2020 when it was determined repairing one of the town’s two senior buses would be too expensive.
For next year, the town-wide property tax will go from about $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value to approximately $1.55 per $1,000, a year-over-year increase of 3.27 percent.
In July 2023, the workers from New Scotland’s highway, water and sewer, mechanic, transfer station, and parks departments signed a letter asking the town to voluntarily recognize their right to unionize.
The Albany County Legislature recently approved resolutions to enter into funding and construction agreements for the installation of four-quadrant quiet-zone gate systems at Voorheesville’s Main Street and Voorheesville Avenue railroad crossings.