The third annual “Discover the Hilltowns: Farms and Artisans Tour” on Sept. 14 and 15 was very well attended, as more people head for the Hilltowns each year for this self-guided driving adventure in the countryside.
Last week, the Knox Volunteer Fire Department hosted a ceremony commemorating the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Due to the rainy weather, the gathering was held inside the firehouse.
Berne Highway Superintendent Kenneth Weaver and his opponent, Democrat Scott Duncan, both say shared services with the Albany County Department of Public Works wouldn't work.
The mother charged with the murder of her son in Westerlo during the summer of 2012 accepted a plea deal of manslaughter. Her plea was not a direct admission of wrongdoing, but that the evidence against her was compelling.
The Hilltowns Community Resource Center would like to thank all the sponsors and community members that did such an outstanding job supporting our back-to-school project.
I want everyone who reads my column to know that I appreciate the compassion you have shown toward me and my family and I am trying to keep busy and in the old routine to move past my sorrows.
I spent Monday trying to get a lot of the paperwork done that needs completing after a death.
The mammoth Allis-Chalmers combine parked inside Alexander Gordon's barn is the latest addition to his innovative operations. He is diving into the small-grains market riding his Gleaner F.