
No Hilltown child’s birthday will go uncelebrated if the Knox ladies’ auxiliary has its way.

GUILDERLAND — The holiday season is fast approaching, and Earl MacIntosh has been preparing for its arrival.

The highway superintendent wants a raise. The supervisor says he can have one if he forgets about the 10-hour per day 4-day work week the highway chief has his crew work in good-weather months


The Hilltowns Players stage a revival of a musical comedy by one of their own.

On Tuesday, Nov. 8, another gorgeous day, the Old Men of the Mountains met at the Chuck Wagon Diner, on Route 20 in Princetown.

A majority of absentee ballots added to the Democratic candidate’s column opposing Ken Saddlemire for a seat on the Knox council.

BERNE — To get a vivid sense of the person Whilma Helen Wolford Willsey was, you need only  read the recollections of her early life, assembled by her daughter Winifred in 2010 into one remarkable document.  It is personal history at its richest and best, calling to life  a vanished world that fewer and fewer people can now remember.

I keep hearing that “reality TV” is increasing in popularity these days. What I don’t understand is what “reality TV” is. OK, it’s television; I get that.

Ron Bernhard passes a gun to another member of Knox’s Helderberg Rod and Gun Club

KNOX — When the Helderberg Rod & Gun club received  land on Quay Road in 1958 as a gift from  a family who were members, it seemed the perfect spot.  It was  a rural and largely wooded location, thinly populated.  It still is today, but now the land opposite the club  has some large homes.

When there are things to do and people to see on a repeat basis, the day that these activities are to to take place seems to roll around so quickly, the week seems to have only three days.


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