
Knox is considering hiring an engineer, largely to review large solar projects.

At a raucous meeting, the Knox Town Board agreed unanimously to hold a hearing on five potential new business districts, overriding a planning board recommendation.

Attendance was small at our last meeting, but our joy of being together was huge.

Route 402, Westerlo

WESTERLO — The committee working to increase broadband access in rural Westerlo wants to draft a new agreement with Mid-Hudson cable. The committee is asking residents who want service to make their needs known.

Kim Lovell

BERNE — An educator in the Middleburgh school district, Kim Lovell says she sees many parallels between the school she teaches in and the school she sends her child to, Berne-Knox-Westerlo.

“Oh, hello. Just a trim, please. Yes, I know that Mr. Mark isn’t in today, but that’s OK. I’m sure you’ll do a lovely job.”

On Wednesday, Feb 15, Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy presented two former BKW employees with Citizens of the Month with their work with the 1,000 books program at the school.

On early Saturday morning, fishermen started ice fishing on Thomson's Lake Campground in Berne for the annual Ice Fishing contest.

After hearing a number of questions in a public hearing on a drafted solar law, the Westerlo Town Board tabled the issue, with the likelihood of at least another public hearing on the law. 

A town board meeting in Berne last week saw the resignation — and appointment — of a board member.


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