Hilltowns Senior News for Thursday, May 18, 2017

Our 60-plus members jammed the senior center eager to be entertained and to have a good lunch. They were not disappointed.

We began with birthday wishes for Marilyn Nardillo and anniversary celebrations to Scott and Shirley Wright and Linda and Don McDermott and to our new members Sue and Chuck Conklin who are enjoying 40 years. Unfortunately, they are both under the weather and were unable to be with us.

We discussed our anniversary dinner to be held June 4 at Briar Creek. A choice of strip steak, chicken parm and baked haddock are available. Call Shirley Slingerland for reservations. Also Memorial Day plans were finalized. Remember all members involved, meet at 9 a.m. at Tabor Road.

We are still looking for all veterans to either ride or walk. There is room for 60 veterans to ride. Let us make this year's parade one of the best.

Shirley reported on our trips. The trip to the Lincoln summer home was well received except of course for the weather. I was amazed to find the furnishings were  original and the condition of the home and grounds so well kept. In June is the Mac Hayden Theater outing.

In July we are going on a lunch cruise to Lake George. For further information call Shirley Slingerland. (She is a busy girl!).

We were honored to have Sean and Jennifer Lyons come and share their experiences volunteering with the Veterans Miracle Center. Sean told us that there are over 6,000 Veterans in Albany County and half of them are homeless.The veterans are eligible to come to the center and get clothes, hygiene products, furniture, food and etc. All the items are new. They collected over 200 boxes of Christmas cards that were sent to the troops. Then he told us about the Patriot Flight. Each veteran has a guardian that makes sure he or she has no problems during the flight and during the day in Washington, D.C. This organization is not affiliated with any government department. If you would like to help with a donation, work in the store,, or be a guardian on a flight.. please call Sean at 872-0812. Thank you Sean and Jen for all you do for our veterans.

Mother's Day was celebrated with the crowning of the Hilltown Senior Mother, Madeline Bradt. Hope all the mothers enjoyed their day. On the same day Albany was having the crowning of their Tulip Queen.  This year’s winner was Katherine Loetterle.

Also, Alyce Gibbs was presented a scrapbook of our Washington. D.C. trip for all she does in helping the seniors of our community.

It truly was a very emotional day.

Dates to remember

On  May 31, a lasagna dinner from 3 to 6 p.m, at the Berne Reformed Church;  May 20, breakfast at the Helderberg Church, and a roast beef dinner at the Thompson Lake Church.

Also, don't forget the meal site every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Some of us were there this past Tuesday to work on our quilt and the meal was very good

Sooo, I hope life isn't a joke, because I don't get it.



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