
After winning a town board seat in 2015, Westerlo Republicans are stressing transparency as the two Democratic incumbents on the town board run on their records. Both of the challengers favor moving to full-value assessment.

If it weren’t for church on Sunday, and The Old Men of the Mountain on Tuesday, this scribe would not know what day of the week it was.

The Berne-Knox-Westerlo Board of Education is putting up for a Nov. 2 vote two propositions for capital projects — for $15 million and $5 million. After a lengthy debate over whether the capital project was a “blank check” or a means of improving student education, three board members voted yes, one voted no, and one abstained.

At Berne-Knox-Westerlo, a new program will teach students the many aspects of agriculture, from water pH to horse care.

The month of September has been very busy for our Helderberg Ambulance squad. We answered 48 calls with 30 transports to local hospitals.

On Sept. 12, the Old Men of the Mountain met at the Duanesburg Diner in Duanesburg.

“We are finally having a decent stretch of weather,” some of the OMOTM said.

With the fall colors starting to show, the Helderberg Hilltown Association held it's annual Discover the Hilltowns Tour last weekend.

With the season winding down, the Berne-Knox-Westerlo golf team battled Canajoharie last Thursday at Sycamore Country Club in Coeymans Hollow, losing 12 to 3.

Write-in candidates appear to have won the majority of the Independence Party nominations in Berne and Knox following Tuesday’s primary elections.

The Berne-Knox-Westerlo girls’ soccer team was playing hard and not giving up on Friday afternoon at home, even if the record doesn’t show it.


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