
Randy Bashwinger

BERNE — Randy Bashwinger, a Republican leading a mixed slate of candidates as the party’s chairman, is running for a second term as highway superintendent. After being elected to fill out a term, Bashwinger is touting his accomplishments in the past three years as superintendent.

Sean Lyons

BERNE — Sean Lyons is challenging Berne’s long-time Democratic supervisor. He said he is a supporter of President Donald Trump and “his initiative to bring fresh faces and people who are not politicians into politics.”

BERNE — Kevin Crosier, a Democrat heading on an all-Democrat slate, is making his fifth run for town supervisor.

Joel Willsey

BERNE — Joel Willsey has helped with projects in his hometown of Berne for years, but now is looking to become part of Berne’s government.

A Democrat, Willsey is running on the Democratic line for town board

BERNE — Frank Brady, a former union vice president for the Civil Service Employees Association, said he is running for town council because he’d like to change the way things are done in Berne’s government.

A Democrat, he is running on the Republican slate.

BERNE — Dennis Palow, an Army veteran who has served in various countries, said he settled in Berne after retiring because of the people in town, who he now wants to give a voice to.

A Republican challenger, Palow is making his first run for town council on the GOP line.

BERNE — James Cooke said he is running to stay a councilman because he wants to serve the townspeople of Berne.

BERNE — Ronald Shultes, a Democrat running on the Democratic line, is challenging one of the few Republicans in the town of Berne for the role of highway superintendent. A former town highway employee, Shultes said he would like to better the department in areas such as safety and road work.

Randy Bashwinger

BERNE — Randy Bashwinger, a Republican leading a mixed slate of candidates as the party’s chairman, is running for a second term as highway superintendent. After being elected to fill out a term, Bashwinger is touting his accomplishments in the past three years as superintendent.

In Knox, a submission of a Freedom of Information Law request by a town councilman to the supervisor spiraled from a discussion about the duties of responding to such a request to arguments among both town officials and residents, resulting at one point in a scuffle between the supervisor’s wife and a co-chair of the town Democratic Committee.


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