Janine Tessarzik is proud of being a powerful woman.
At age 40, she was named world champion at the Scottish Masters Athletics International World Championships held last month in Moncton, New Brunswick in Canada.
The Guilderland GOP chose a candidate on Wednesday night to run for Laurel Bohl’s vacated town board seat but on Thursday — the last day to get on the ballot — he decided not to run.
The final public hearing for the Albany County redistricting process will be held on Aug. 5, after which the county redistricting commission will submit its map to the legislature for approval.
Three juvenile males and two teenage women have been charged for stealing from unlocked cars and for stealing cars that were unlocked with the keys inside.
The thefts occurred over the past week, according to a release from Guilderland Police who worked the case with Bethlehem Police.
Rachel Anderson, who had worked as Guilderland High School’s director of math, science, and technology, was appointed in June to the $125,000-a-year post of assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction.
ALBANY COUNTY — This week, the governor said the state will look at its pandemic past while at the same time she talked about proposals for containing COVID-19 in the near future.
The pandemic hit two months after Danielle Walsh became the chamber’s executive director. “We kind of had to throw everything out the window,” she said. “We found creative ways to stay relevant.”
Colin Anderson, 15, of Charlton, New York, raised a white dorper lamb he purchased from Berne farmer Emily Vincent and sold it at a Saratoga County 4-H auction for $3,048, or around $24 per pound — well over market price and his own expectations.
The summer following its town-wide reassessment in 2019 Guilderland faced 30-odd lawsuits from property owners looking to drive down the value of nearly 80 properties by a cumulative $378 million. The town has since settled a great many of the cases, with the outcome often more favorable than not for Guilderland. But a few tough court battles remain.
He will run against an as-yet-unchosen Republican in the November election; the victor will fill out the remainder of Bohl’s term, which ends in 2023. The current board is made up entirely of Democrats in a town where Democratic enrollment dominates.