Archive » March 2019 » News

GUILDERLAND — While driving his marked patrol car, State Trooper Kaleb Gohlke was at fault in a two-vehicle collision Thursday afternoon, Feb. 28, according to state police spokeswoman Trooper Kerra Burns.

Carlos X. Quinones Jr.

GUILDERLAND — The 17-year-old from Colonie who was charged with menacing after, police say, he displayed a gun on Feb. 16 in the Crossgates Mall parking lot, pleaded not guilty in Guilderland Town Court on Feb. 27.

A domestic assault that sent a 28-year-old woman to the hospital was stopped after the woman used an emergency-call feature to notify police during the attack, according to the Albany County Sheriff’s Office.

The building’s management company says the seniors were allowed to use the property’s clubhouse for classes and activities as a kindness while the senior center was being repaired, and that too many people had crowded into the elevator.

The existing bridge was built in 1955 and carries approximately 5,300 vehicles per day.

Susan Kidder retired as New Scotland’s Senior Outreach Liaison in December, replaced in the position by Debbie Engel.

Richard Rapp, who has been Westerlo’s supervisor for more than 40 years, left his post on Tuesday.

TC Maslin has made “an incredible recovery,” his wife says, but she notes that the couple will continue on the path of recovery for the rest of their lives.

ALTAMONT — After 25 years as a village justice, Rebecca Hout had considered making this year her last.

Jonathan Phillips still hopes to build a sports dome near his hardware store — and he has received town approval to do so — but that part of his project is on hold for now. He hopes to revisit it later, if he has the financing, he told The Enterprise earlier.

Berne-Knox-Westerlo students with disabilities who were tested were among the lowest 10-percent in their group for English, math, and science, and were also among the lowest 10-percent for growth in English and math, according to a spokeswoman for the State Education Department.
