Archive » October 2017 » News

On Saturday, former pastors of the Knox Reformed Church will be feted at a dinner celebrating the church’s 175th anniversary. On Sunday, they will all participate in the church’s worship service.

The town’s proposed 2018 budget is up slightly over 2017. Most residents will see a small decrease in their taxes.

A bear police say was seen in Guilderland Wednesday will probably move out of the area as quickly as it appeared, said a wildlife biologist from the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation.

WESTERLO — A Westerlo man has been arrested for unlawfully growing marijuana after Albany County Sheriff’s deputies and New York State Parole officers inadvertently found the plants while searching for another man who had broken parole.

The town is set to receive $2.4 million for a $4 million water project that will set up a permanent connection with Rotterdam and will expand municipal water to West Old State and Fuller Station roads as well as replacing an old water tower in Fort Hunter.

KNOX — Tim Francis, a Republican running on the Republican line for town justice, is making his first try for a post in Knox government after serving for half his life in law enforcement.

KNOX — Jean Gagnon, a Democrat, is running for town justice on the Democratic line. This will be her third time running the office in Knox.

“It’s very challenging, because laws are always changing … ,” said Gagnon, of her role as town justice. “Very challenging, but also very rewarding.”

KNOX — Diane Champion, a Democrat endorsed by both the Republicans and the Democrats, is running for tax collector in Knox. Champion has been the town’s tax collector for the last six years, and is running for her fourth two-year term.

KNOX — Brett Pulliam, who is not enrolled in a party, is running for town council on the Democratic line. Pulliam, who has served on Knox’s planning board for about 12 years, is running in his first election for a town office.

Dan Hanley

KNOX — Dan Hanley, a Democrat, is running on the Democratic line for the second time to keep his seat on Knox’s town council.

Hanley, 48, grew up in Loudonville, but always loved the outdoors, including camping at Thompsons Lake. He said that he and his wife moved to Knox in 1997 to “get out of the hustle and bustle.”

Karl Pritchard

KNOX — Karl Pritchard, a mechanic in the town of Knox, is running for the first time for a town office. Pritchard, who is not enrolled in a party, is running for town council on the Republican line.

KNOX — Ken Saddlemire, a Democrat who is running on the Republican line, is now making his second run for town council. In 2016, Saddlemire ran a write-in campaign to fill a vacant sea, but lost to Dan Hanley. Saddlemire will again run against Hanley and Hanley’s running mate, Brett Pulliam, who are both backed by the Democrats.

KNOX — Amy Pokorny, 64, has been on Knox’s town council for five years, and for the first time is running to be the town’s supervisor. A Democrat, Pokorny is running on the town’s Democratic line.

KNOX — Vasilios Lefkaditis, 45, has been Knox’s supervisor for one two-year term. A Democrat, Lefkaditis is running on the Republican line; in the last election, after not getting major-party backing, he ran and won on the Conservative line.

KNOX — Tara Murphy, a Democrat, is running on the Democratic line for Knox town clerk.

Murphy, 40, has lived in Knox for the last 10 years. She is originally from Castleton-on-Hudson, in Rensselaer County, a “very similar small town,” to Knox, she said.
