Archive » July 2016 » Letters to the Editor

Nancy Frueh, vice president, Knox Historical Society

Linda Pulliam, Knox

Jeannette Boehning, New Scotland

Susan Hawkes-Teeter, Berne

Pat Lightbody, publicity chairwoman, Women’s Auxiliary, Knox Volunteer Fire Company

Judy Petrosillo, Berne Public Library manager

Amy Lauterbach Pokorny, Knox

Ginny Stewart, committee member, Historic Fall Festival

The past few months have been busy for Helderberg Ambulance and June was no different. There were 45 calls this month and 22 were transports to local hospitals.  Of the 22 transports, 18 were trauma. There were 26 calls in the town of Berne, 13 calls in the town of Knox, and six calls for other agencies.

Maureen Silk-Eglit, Circle of Champs Volunteer

Carol Waterman, Guilderland

Karen Schimmer, Town Board Liaison, Town Of Berne Conservation Board
