Archive » March 2014 » Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

Let's get real!

Having a country store in the Hilltowns is almost unrealistic. While we're speaking, so are farmers markets. If you have a substantial income, then you can buy the products and produce.

To the Editor:

I would like our flags to be clean, new, and flown on sunny days. I also would like the rest of us to be able display our pride in our country.

To the Editor:

Thank you to everyone in the community who cleared off their book shelves and donated books for the Friends of the Berne Library Book Sale.  The tables at the Berne Senior Center are now stocked with a massive number of books.

To the Editor:

The Hilltowns Community Resource Center is planning for the Easter holiday. We are in need of your support to help our families.

We are trying to provide an Easter dinner for our families. Donations of food for the meal or a complete meal would be a tremendous help.

To the Editor:

The Berne Volunteer Fire Company would like to thank everyone for their donations to our 2014 calendar drive. We feel very fortunate to be volunteering for you our community. Your support is greatly appreciated!

To the Editor:

Come to the Hilltowns to celebrate springtime and the beginning of the maple season.

To the Editor:

When I was a young boy, in the town where I grew up, our summers were spent eating hot dogs and ice cream from the Snack Shack at our town “pool.”  Our “pool” was really a pond we shared with numerous fish, snakes, turtles, ducks, and a herd of Holsteins that drank from the shore next to our beach.

To the Editor:

Representing the Hilltowns is a true honor. Most people here are hardworking and are not looking to take advantage of government or its programs.

To the Editor:

This is a letter I sent to the Guilderland School Board last Thursday and to date have received no response or acknowledgement of its receipt:

To the Editor:

The New Scotland Kiwanis Youth Baseball Registration is in full swing with approaching deadlines in March. Until this year, our longstanding baseball program served youth, ages 5 to 12 years old, from only within the Voorheesville School District.

To the Editor:

This past week (March 4) I attended the all-Democrat Guilderland Town Board meeting as they presented a Keystone Cops version of government, to the detriment of both business and residents.
