As construction continues on a visitors’ center at Thacher Park, neighbors have grown concerned that the lights at the site — lit for the safety of construction workers at night — could become a regular feature on the otherwise unilluminated Helderberg escarpment.
The 120-year-old Hilton Barn was lowered to its new foundation Monday, moved across the street last March to save it from demolition. New Scotland Supervisor Doug LaGrange said he hopes to eventually see the barn connect with the Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail and use it as a venue.
The board is looking at ways to balance the budget without depleting savings or exceeding the tax cap. The final meeting to discuss the proposed budget is next Wednesday.
At age 20 and running to be the only Republican on the New Scotland Town Board, Ally Moreau says her youth and outsider status will serve as an advantage.
A former boiler attendant from Plattsburgh, John C. Egan would go on to work in high-ranking positions for both his state and local government, making strides in public service.