The Knox town supervisor said that he personally does not believe — despite the ruling of the Albany County Civil Service — that the town acted illegally when a town board majority voted to fire workers but he said he did not want to burden the taxpayers with the cost of a legal battle.
Michael Ward and Stefanie Stegman hope to create a relaxed and familiar feel of a coffee shop, but will also be serving lunch, breakfast, and dinner items throughout the day.
The homeowner was found sitting at the side of the road in her nightgown, her only possession not destroyed in the fire that burned down her home on Nash Road in Knox, the fire chief said.
The Knox Democratic Committee has nominated Russ Pokorny for supervisor, incumbents Earl Barcomb and Dennis Barber for town board, and Joan Adriance for town clerk. Supervisor Vasilios Lefkaditis has said he will run for a third term.
An opinion issued March 15 by the Albany County Department of Civil Service states that the two transfer-station workers who worked for the town for over five years should have been protected by the state’s Civil Service Law.
On Sunday, March 31st in Knox, the maple syrup was fresh from sugarbushes in Knox or Berne as people learned about how maple syrup is made or even ate fresh pancakes at the Knox Firehouse.
Originally the Sap Run 5K was supposed to run in Knox last Saturday but due to cold and brutal winds, the race finally ran the weekend of Maplefest in Knox and Berne on Saturday March 30.
While the town board will have the final say on the proposed multi-use recreational district in Knox, the planning and zoning boards have already weighed in, with mixed results.
The Albany County Planning Board gave nearly identical reasons as to why they disapproved of the proposed multi-use recreational district as they did when the town of Knox had proposed a business district in the same area.