Dennis Cyr, a Knox resident, recently moved and expanded his business, Mountainview Prosthetics, from a building on his Knox property, down the hill to Altamont’s Maple Avenue in a long-vacant space that was built as the village’s firehouse.
Faiza Salman, a native of Pakistan, was just 19 when she came to America; her father had arranged for her to marry a fellow Pakistani who had been state-side for over a decade. She experienced culture shock, but not how you’d think.
A proposed Dollar General store, should it be approved by the town and built, would employ up to 10 people, and would be located across from the Mobil station in East Berne.
Barbara C. Brenner and Brian M. Wang are new of counsels at Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP. Both are joining the Albany firm’s Immigration Practice Group.
Speakers before the Albany County Legislature were about evenly divided as business owners and leaders of financially strapped not-for-profits opposed the bill while religious leaders and workers spoke in favor of it.