
Frank Brady, East Berne

Gerard Chartier, Past member and chairman, Berne Planning Board

Racism is not peculiar to the Hilltowns; like sexism, it’s everywhere. But we can work, as a society, to combat it. Laws can change and institutions can change if enough people work for that change.

Mace Everett Porter

BERNE — Mace Everett Porter of Berne, a proud veteran and family man, died peacefully at home on July 28, 2020. He was 91.

The Berne Town Board has spent more than $15,000 on investigations according to documents received by The Enterprise through a Freedom of Information Law request. All the investigations appear to have been of Democratic town board members. One recently led to a censure by partisan vote; the others were unsubstantiated.

Lawrence Zimmerman, East Berne

Dawn Jordan, Berne

Karen Schimmer, Berne

Sarah Gordon, Rensselaerville

Robert Jarvenpa, East Berne


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