
To the Editor:

To the Editor:

I am writing in response to Mr. Mario Serfilippi’s letter to the editor in the Sept. 25, 2014 edition.

To the Editor:

We, the Berne Town Board, would like to address some misperceptions and misunderstandings stated by a Knox resident in a letter to the editor of Sept. 25, 2014.

To the Editor:

Thank you for putting my garage sale ad “to benefit the Berne Library” in the Garage Sale secion and the Community Events calendar.

Also, thank you to Judy Petrosillo for putting a notice in her column on the Berne Library.

The Little League field in Knox was dedicated to the late Lewis Tubbs, who groomed the field with care for decades.

A coach seeking the reason for his dismissal was not wrong; rather, the school district stone-walling was wrong. A free and open exchange permits progress.

To the Editor:

As some of you may know, and a lot of you do not, the Berne Historical Society has a wonderful museum upstairs in the Berne Town Hall.

To the Editor:

A fortuitous happenstance may become a benefit to artists and photographers in the Berne area through a new hanging display system at the Berne Public Library.

At the library's Knitwits knitting group Sunday night, one member said to me, "Jane, I'm told you like old fabric."

To The Editor:


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