Melissa Hale-Spencer

$79M budget proposal
Super says he’ll keep tax hike under 5%

Take a stroll down Altamont’s Main Street and you will see beautifully preserved Victorian buildings.

To save money
Bus study urges changing bell times

GUILDERLAND — Most school board members want to create a committee on health and other insurance.

Response to proposed budget cuts
Speaking out for social worker, supervisor

Why do people save things" For many of us, the reasons are more sentimental than practical. We’re not like squirrels hoarding nuts before winter weather sets in. We have needs that are spiritual as well as physical.

Stitching birds
Young artist heals self and others as project takes wing

ALBANY — Emily Rawitsch has a flock of paper cranes hanging in her kitchen. The birds are tiny and perfect, folded of bright paper.

GUILDERLAND — The leaders of the Guilderland Elementary School PTA are serious about play.

They have just launched a cookie-dough sale, the latest in a series of fund-raisers for new playgrounds at the school.

Going Out for Bob Oates’s finale
Both disturbing and uplifting,
Steel Pier fills the Guilderland stage with dance and drama

It’s Sunshine Week, meant to highlight the public’s access to government records and meetings. We believe that, for our democracy — a government of the people, by the people and for the people — to work well, its citizens must be fully and fairly informed.


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